I have the following:
function insert_data($table=0,$data)
if($table !== 0)
if ($this->db->table_exists($table))
return $this->db->insert_id();
return 0;
I call it using
$insert_info = array(
'event_id' =>$id,
'checklist_name'=>$_POST['event_name'].' Checklist',
'status' =>1,
'created_by' =>$this->session->userdata('superadmin_id'),
'created_date' =>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'updated_by' =>$this->session->userdata('superadmin_id'),
'updated_date' =>date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
$new_checklist_id = $this->db->insert('checklist_event',$insert_info);
echo $new_checklist_id;
However, 1 is always echo'd. I can confirm there are a dozen or so records in the table so unsure why it's returning 1 each time. Any suggestions?
This is the structure of the table
However, 1 is always echo'd
you actually echo'ing out the return of the Query Builder Class insert() function, which is either true or false.
use this approach:
$new_checklist_id = $this->db->insert_id();
echo $new_checklist_id; die();
You seem not to be calling the function insert_data($table=0,$data) at all