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instafeed.js not working because of CORS policy

I'm trying to use an API which returns me a JSON so I can use it on my function.


I'm importing Jquery, instafeed.min.js and the API (

    <script src=""

    <script src=""

    // this one is in the head section

    <script src=""></script>

Instafeed script

 <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            var instantTokenApiUrl = ''

                url: instantTokenApiUrl,
                dataType: 'json',
                .done(function (response) {

                    if (!response.Token) {
                        console.log('Error :: ', response);
                    } else {
                        var feed = new Instafeed({
                            accessToken: response.Token


I'm trying to do what's in this post:

But my feed still isn't displaying, and it gives me these CORS errors:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.


jquery.min.js:2 XHR failed loading: GET "".

My question is: Is there a workaround for this? I'm fairly new to ajax and JSON, so I hope people can tell me what I'm doing wrong.


  • Update

    For some reason, it worked after I added the instafeed function manually to my code, instead of linking it from an external source.

    And at the end, I'm making an ajax request.

    /* instafeed.js | v2.0.0-rc3 | | License: MIT */
    (function(global, factory) {
      typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined" ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global || self,
        global.Instafeed = factory());
    })(this, function() {
      "use strict";
      function assert(val, msg) {
        if (!val) {
          throw new Error(msg);
      function Instafeed(options) {
        assert(!options || typeof options === "object", "options must be an object, got " + options + " (" + typeof options + ")");
        var opts = {
          accessToken: null,
          accessTokenTimeout: 1e4,
          after: null,
          apiTimeout: 1e4,
          apiLimit: null,
          before: null,
          debug: false,
          error: null,
          filter: null,
          limit: null,
          mock: false,
          render: null,
          sort: null,
          success: null,
          target: "instafeed",
          template: '<a href="{{link}}"><img title="{{caption}}" src="{{image}}" /></a>',
          templateBoundaries: ["{{", "}}"],
          transform: null
        var state = {
          running: false,
          node: null,
          token: null,
          paging: null,
          pool: []
        if (options) {
          for (var optKey in opts) {
            if (typeof options[optKey] !== "undefined") {
              opts[optKey] = options[optKey];
        assert(typeof === "string" || typeof === "object", "target must be a string or DOM node, got " + + " (" + typeof + ")");
        assert(typeof opts.accessToken === "string" || typeof opts.accessToken === "function", "accessToken must be a string or function, got " + opts.accessToken + " (" + typeof opts.accessToken + ")");
        assert(typeof opts.accessTokenTimeout === "number", "accessTokenTimeout must be a number, got " + opts.accessTokenTimeout + " (" + typeof opts.accessTokenTimeout + ")");
        assert(typeof opts.apiTimeout === "number", "apiTimeout must be a number, got " + opts.apiTimeout + " (" + typeof opts.apiTimeout + ")");
        assert(typeof opts.debug === "boolean", "debug must be true or false, got " + opts.debug + " (" + typeof opts.debug + ")");
        assert(typeof opts.mock === "boolean", "mock must be true or false, got " + opts.mock + " (" + typeof opts.mock + ")");
        assert(typeof opts.templateBoundaries === "object" && opts.templateBoundaries.length === 2 && typeof opts.templateBoundaries[0] === "string" && typeof opts.templateBoundaries[1] === "string", "templateBoundaries must be an array of 2 strings, got " + opts.templateBoundaries + " (" + typeof opts.templateBoundaries + ")");
        assert(!opts.template || typeof opts.template === "string", "template must null or string, got " + opts.template + " (" + typeof opts.template + ")");
        assert(!opts.error || typeof opts.error === "function", "error must be null or function, got " + opts.error + " (" + typeof opts.error + ")");
        assert(!opts.before || typeof opts.before === "function", "before must be null or function, got " + opts.before + " (" + typeof opts.before + ")");
        assert(!opts.after || typeof opts.after === "function", "after must be null or function, got " + opts.after + " (" + typeof opts.after + ")");
        assert(!opts.success || typeof opts.success === "function", "success must be null or function, got " + opts.success + " (" + typeof opts.success + ")");
        assert(!opts.filter || typeof opts.filter === "function", "filter must be null or function, got " + opts.filter + " (" + typeof opts.filter + ")");
        assert(!opts.transform || typeof opts.transform === "function", "transform must be null or function, got " + opts.transform + " (" + typeof opts.transform + ")");
        assert(!opts.sort || typeof opts.sort === "function", "sort must be null or function, got " + opts.sort + " (" + typeof opts.sort + ")");
        assert(!opts.render || typeof opts.render === "function", "render must be null or function, got " + opts.render + " (" + typeof opts.render + ")");
        assert(!opts.limit || typeof opts.limit === "number", "limit must be null or number, got " + opts.limit + " (" + typeof opts.limit + ")");
        assert(!opts.apiLimit || typeof opts.apiLimit === "number", "apiLimit must null or number, got " + opts.apiLimit + " (" + typeof opts.apiLimit + ")");
        this._state = state;
        this._options = opts;
      } = function run() {
        var scope = this;
        this._debug("run", "options", this._options);
        this._debug("run", "state", this._state);
        if (this._state.running) {
          this._debug("run", "already running, skipping");
          return false;
        this._debug("run", "getting dom node");
        if (typeof === "string") {
          this._state.node = document.getElementById(;
        } else {
          this._state.node =;
        if (!this._state.node) {
          this._fail(new Error("no element found with ID " +;
          return false;
        this._debug("run", "got dom node", this._state.node);
        this._debug("run", "getting access token");
        this._getAccessToken(function onTokenReceived(err, token) {
          if (err) {
            scope._debug("onTokenReceived", "error", err);
            scope._fail(new Error("error getting access token: " + err.message));
          scope._debug("onTokenReceived", "got token", token);
          scope._state.token = token;
          scope._showNext(function onNextShown(err) {
            if (err) {
              scope._debug("onNextShown", "error", err);
        return true;
      Instafeed.prototype.hasNext = function hasNext() {
        var paging = this._state.paging;
        var pool = this._state.pool;
        this._debug("hasNext", "paging", paging);
        this._debug("hasNext", "pool", pool.length, pool);
        return pool.length > 0 || paging && typeof === "string";
      }; = function next() {
        var scope = this;
        if (!scope.hasNext()) {
          scope._debug("next", "hasNext is false, skipping");
          return false;
        if (scope._state.running) {
          scope._debug("next", "already running, skipping");
          return false;
        scope._showNext(function onNextShown(err) {
          if (err) {
            scope._debug("onNextShown", "error", err);
      Instafeed.prototype._showNext = function showNext(callback) {
        var scope = this;
        var url = null;
        var poolItems = null;
        var hasLimit = typeof this._options.limit === "number";
        scope._debug("showNext", "pool", scope._state.pool.length, scope._state.pool);
        if (scope._state.pool.length > 0) {
          if (hasLimit) {
            poolItems = scope._state.pool.splice(0, scope._options.limit);
          } else {
            poolItems = scope._state.pool.splice(0);
          scope._debug("showNext", "items from pool", poolItems.length, poolItems);
          scope._debug("showNext", "updated pool", scope._state.pool.length, scope._state.pool);
          if (scope._options.mock) {
            scope._debug("showNext", "mock enabled, skipping render");
          } else {
            try {
            } catch (renderErr) {
        } else {
          if (scope._state.paging && typeof === "string") {
            url =;
          } else {
            url = ",id,media_type,media_url,permalink,thumbnail_url,timestamp,username&access_token=" + scope._state.token;
            if (!scope._options.apiLimit && typeof scope._options.limit === "number") {
              scope._debug("showNext", "no apiLimit set, falling back to limit", scope._options.apiLimit, scope._options.limit);
              url = url + "&limit=" + scope._options.limit;
            } else if (typeof scope._options.apiLimit === "number") {
              scope._debug("showNext", "apiLimit set, overriding limit", scope._options.apiLimit, scope._options.limit);
              url = url + "&limit=" + scope._options.apiLimit;
          scope._debug("showNext", "making request", url);
          scope._makeApiRequest(url, function onResponseReceived(err, data) {
            var processed = null;
            if (err) {
              scope._debug("onResponseReceived", "error", err);
              callback(new Error("api request error: " + err.message));
            scope._debug("onResponseReceived", "data", data);
            scope._debug("onResponseReceived", "setting paging", data.paging);
            scope._state.paging = data.paging;
            try {
              processed = scope._processData(data);
              scope._debug("onResponseReceived", "processed data", processed);
              if (processed.unused && processed.unused.length > 0) {
                scope._debug("onResponseReceived", "saving unused to pool", processed.unused.length, processed.unused);
                for (var i = 0; i < processed.unused.length; i++) {
            } catch (processErr) {
            if (scope._options.mock) {
              scope._debug("onResponseReceived", "mock enabled, skipping append");
            } else {
              try {
              } catch (renderErr) {
      Instafeed.prototype._processData = function processData(data) {
        var hasTransform = typeof this._options.transform === "function";
        var hasFilter = typeof this._options.filter === "function";
        var hasSort = typeof this._options.sort === "function";
        var hasLimit = typeof this._options.limit === "number";
        var transformedFiltered = [];
        var limitDelta = null;
        var dataItem = null;
        var transformedItem = null;
        var filterResult = null;
        var unusedItems = null;
        this._debug("processData", "hasFilter", hasFilter, "hasTransform", hasTransform, "hasSort", hasSort, "hasLimit", hasLimit);
        if (typeof data !== "object" || typeof !== "object" || <= 0) {
          return null;
        for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
          dataItem = this._getItemData([i]);
          if (hasTransform) {
            try {
              transformedItem = this._options.transform(dataItem);
              this._debug("processData", "transformed item", dataItem, transformedItem);
            } catch (err) {
              this._debug("processData", "error calling transform", err);
              throw new Error("error in transform: " + err.message);
          } else {
            transformedItem = dataItem;
          if (hasFilter) {
            try {
              filterResult = this._options.filter(transformedItem);
              this._debug("processData", "filter item result", transformedItem, filterResult);
            } catch (err) {
              this._debug("processData", "error calling filter", err);
              throw new Error("error in filter: " + err.message);
            if (filterResult) {
          } else {
        if (hasSort) {
          try {
          } catch (err) {
            this._debug("processData", "error calling sort", err);
            throw new Error("error in sort: " + err.message);
        if (hasLimit) {
          limitDelta = transformedFiltered.length - this._options.limit;
          this._debug("processData", "checking limit", transformedFiltered.length, this._options.limit, limitDelta);
          if (limitDelta > 0) {
            unusedItems = transformedFiltered.slice(transformedFiltered.length - limitDelta);
            this._debug("processData", "unusedItems", unusedItems.length, unusedItems);
            transformedFiltered.splice(transformedFiltered.length - limitDelta, limitDelta);
        return {
          items: transformedFiltered,
          unused: unusedItems
      Instafeed.prototype._extractTags = function extractTags(str) {
        var exp = /#([^\s]+)/gi;
        var badChars = /[~`!@#$%^&*\(\)\-\+={}\[\]:;"'<>\?,\./|\\\s]+/i;
        var tags = [];
        var match = null;
        if (typeof str === "string") {
          while ((match = exp.exec(str)) !== null) {
            if (badChars.test(match[1]) === false) {
        return tags;
      Instafeed.prototype._getItemData = function getItemData(data) {
        var type = null;
        var image = null;
        switch (data.media_type) {
          case "IMAGE":
            type = "image";
            image = data.media_url;
          case "VIDEO":
            type = "video";
            image = data.thumbnail_url;
          case "CAROUSEL_ALBUM":
            type = "album";
            image = data.media_url;
        return {
          caption: data.caption,
          tags: this._extractTags(data.caption),
          image: image,
          link: data.permalink,
          model: data,
          timestamp: data.timestamp,
          type: type,
          username: data.username
      Instafeed.prototype._renderData = function renderData(items) {
        var hasTemplate = typeof this._options.template === "string";
        var hasRender = typeof this._options.render === "function";
        var item = null;
        var itemHtml = null;
        var container = null;
        var html = "";
        this._debug("renderData", "hasTemplate", hasTemplate, "hasRender", hasRender);
        if (typeof items !== "object" || items.length <= 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
          item = items[i];
          if (hasRender) {
            try {
              itemHtml = this._options.render(item, this._options);
              this._debug("renderData", "custom render result", item, itemHtml);
            } catch (err) {
              this._debug("renderData", "error calling render", err);
              throw new Error("error in render: " + err.message);
          } else if (hasTemplate) {
            itemHtml = this._basicRender(item);
          if (itemHtml) {
            html = html + itemHtml;
          } else {
            this._debug("renderData", "render item did not return any content", item);
        this._debug("renderData", "html content", html);
        container = document.createElement("div");
        container.innerHTML = html;
        this._debug("renderData", "container", container, container.childNodes.length, container.childNodes);
        while (container.childNodes.length > 0) {
          this._debug("renderData", "appending child", container.childNodes[0]);
      Instafeed.prototype._basicRender = function basicRender(data) {
        var exp = new RegExp(this._options.templateBoundaries[0] + "([\\s\\w.]+)" + this._options.templateBoundaries[1], "gm");
        var template = this._options.template;
        var match = null;
        var output = "";
        var substr = null;
        var lastIndex = 0;
        var keyPath = null;
        var keyPathValue = null;
        while ((match = exp.exec(template)) !== null) {
          keyPath = match[1];
          substr = template.slice(lastIndex, match.index);
          output = output + substr;
          keyPathValue = this._valueForKeyPath(keyPath, data);
          if (keyPathValue) {
            output = output + keyPathValue.toString();
          lastIndex = exp.lastIndex;
        if (lastIndex < template.length) {
          substr = template.slice(lastIndex, template.length);
          output = output + substr;
        return output;
      Instafeed.prototype._valueForKeyPath = function valueForKeyPath(keyPath, data) {
        var exp = /([\w]+)/gm;
        var match = null;
        var key = null;
        var lastValue = data;
        while ((match = exp.exec(keyPath)) !== null) {
          if (typeof lastValue !== "object") {
            return null;
          key = match[1];
          lastValue = lastValue[key];
        return lastValue;
      Instafeed.prototype._fail = function fail(err) {
        var didHook = this._runHook("error", err);
        if (!didHook && console && typeof console.error === "function") {
        this._state.running = false;
      Instafeed.prototype._start = function start() {
        this._state.running = true;
      Instafeed.prototype._finish = function finish() {
        this._state.running = false;
      Instafeed.prototype._success = function success(data) {
        this._runHook("success", data);
        this._state.running = false;
      Instafeed.prototype._makeApiRequest = function makeApiRequest(url, callback) {
        var called = false;
        var scope = this;
        var apiRequest = null;
        var callbackOnce = function callbackOnce(err, value) {
          if (!called) {
            called = true;
            callback(err, value);
        apiRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
        apiRequest.ontimeout = function apiRequestTimedOut() {
          callbackOnce(new Error("api request timed out"));
        apiRequest.onerror = function apiRequestOnError() {
          callbackOnce(new Error("api connection error"));
        apiRequest.onload = function apiRequestOnLoad(event) {
          var contentType = apiRequest.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
          var responseJson = null;
          scope._debug("apiRequestOnLoad", "loaded", event);
          scope._debug("apiRequestOnLoad", "response status", apiRequest.status);
          scope._debug("apiRequestOnLoad", "response content type", contentType);
          if (contentType.indexOf("application/json") >= 0) {
            try {
              responseJson = JSON.parse(apiRequest.responseText);
            } catch (err) {
              scope._debug("apiRequestOnLoad", "json parsing error", err, apiRequest.responseText);
              callbackOnce(new Error("error parsing response json"));
          if (apiRequest.status !== 200) {
            if (responseJson && responseJson.error) {
              callbackOnce(new Error(responseJson.error.code + " " + responseJson.error.message));
            } else {
              callbackOnce(new Error("status code " + apiRequest.status));
          callbackOnce(null, responseJson);
        };"GET", url, true);
        apiRequest.timeout = this._options.apiTimeout;
      Instafeed.prototype._getAccessToken = function getAccessToken(callback) {
        var called = false;
        var scope = this;
        var timeoutCheck = null;
        var callbackOnce = function callbackOnce(err, value) {
          if (!called) {
            called = true;
            callback(err, value);
        if (typeof this._options.accessToken === "function") {
          this._debug("getAccessToken", "calling accessToken as function");
          timeoutCheck = setTimeout(function accessTokenTimeoutCheck() {
            scope._debug("getAccessToken", "timeout check", called);
            callbackOnce(new Error("accessToken timed out"), null);
          }, this._options.accessTokenTimeout);
          try {
            this._options.accessToken(function accessTokenReceiver(err, value) {
              scope._debug("getAccessToken", "received accessToken callback", called, err, value);
              callbackOnce(err, value);
          } catch (err) {
            this._debug("getAccessToken", "error invoking the accessToken as function", err);
            callbackOnce(err, null);
        } else {
          this._debug("getAccessToken", "treating accessToken as static", typeof this._options.accessToken);
          callbackOnce(null, this._options.accessToken);
      Instafeed.prototype._debug = function debug() {
        var args = null;
        if (this._options.debug && console && typeof console.log === "function") {
          args = [];
          args[0] = "[Instafeed] [" + args[0] + "]";
          console.log.apply(null, args);
      Instafeed.prototype._runHook = function runHook(hookName, data) {
        var success = false;
        if (typeof this._options[hookName] === "function") {
          try {
            success = true;
          } catch (err) {
            this._debug("runHook", "error calling hook", hookName, err);
        return success;
      return Instafeed;
        type: 'get',
        dataType: 'json',
        url: '',
        success: function(response) {
          var feed = new Instafeed({
            target: 'instafeed',
            accessToken: response.Token, // Access token from json response

    Thanks for all the suggestions, I really appreciate it!