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Java server faces link doesn't work inside loop

I have this simple code in facelets "numbers.xhtml":

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
    <h1>Numbers page</h1>
    <c:forEach var="number" items="#{numbers}">
          <h:commandLink action="#{numbers.showNumber}" value="#{number.number}" />

In "showNumber" method I just return string "number" which is mapped in faces-config.xml to "number.xhtml" but it always opens "numbers.xhtml" page.

I even tried with "ui:repeat" tag but same results. If I put "h:commandLink" outside loop it works.

You have simple test case here. It is maven project and you need just to execute "./" to run simple jetty server.


  • Just saw the src you attached, I think you need a getter method: getShowNumber() in your Numbers class. You might want to rename public static String showNumber to public static String getShowNumber.