I'm currently trying to introduce this function https://stackoverflow.com/a/12257917/4375998 into my project, but struggle with the function signature generated by jooq.
The generated code has these three signatures
public static String udfNaturalsortformat(
Configuration configuration
, String instring
, Integer numberlength
, String sameorderchars
public static Field<String> udfNaturalsortformat(
String instring
, Integer numberlength
, String sameorderchars
public static Field<String> udfNaturalsortformat(
Field<String> instring
, Field<Integer> numberlength
, Field<String> sameorderchars
But none of them seem to fit my use case of ordering a table by name.
This is currently done in the following fashion: In some place a collection of search parameters is generated and this is later included in the query:
public Collection<? extends SortField<?>> getSortFields(List<Pageable.SortField> sorts) {
if (sorts.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.singletonList(ProjectRepositoryImpl.LAST_ACTIVITY.field("last_activity").desc());
List<SortField<?>> sortFields = new ArrayList<>();
for (Pageable.SortField sort : sorts) {
if (sort.getSortDirection() == Pageable.SortDirection.DESC) {
} else {
return sortFields;
And the final query then looks like this
Result<Record> queryResults = jooq.select(PROJECT.fields())
So what I currently attempt to do is replace the sort field with something like this
sortFields.add(udfNaturalsortformat(PROJECT.NAME, 10, ".").desc());
but the signature mismatches.
What is the proper way to include this method in my order by statement?
As you can see in signatures of generated methods:
public static Field<String> udfNaturalsortformat(
String instring
, Integer numberlength
, String sameorderchars
public static Field<String> udfNaturalsortformat(
Field<String> instring
, Field<Integer> numberlength
, Field<String> sameorderchars
It has only overrides for all java simple objects (first one) or Field<?> references (second one).
Since you use PROJECT.NAME
as a first argument, you would probably use second generated method, but then you have to pass other arguments all of Field<?> type. So try DSL.val or DSL.inline, which is a way to pass constant value as a field:
udfNaturalsortformat(Staff.STAFF.ACQUIRED_COMPANY, DSL.val(10), DSL.val(".")).desc();