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jooq use custom function in order by statement

I'm currently trying to introduce this function into my project, but struggle with the function signature generated by jooq.

The generated code has these three signatures

public static String udfNaturalsortformat(
      Configuration configuration
    , String instring
    , Integer numberlength
    , String sameorderchars

public static Field<String> udfNaturalsortformat(
      String instring
    , Integer numberlength
    , String sameorderchars

public static Field<String> udfNaturalsortformat(
      Field<String> instring
    , Field<Integer> numberlength
    , Field<String> sameorderchars

But none of them seem to fit my use case of ordering a table by name.

This is currently done in the following fashion: In some place a collection of search parameters is generated and this is later included in the query:

public Collection<? extends SortField<?>> getSortFields(List<Pageable.SortField> sorts) {
        if (sorts.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.singletonList(ProjectRepositoryImpl.LAST_ACTIVITY.field("last_activity").desc());
        List<SortField<?>> sortFields = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Pageable.SortField sort : sorts) {
            if (sort.getSortDirection() == Pageable.SortDirection.DESC) {
            } else {

        return sortFields;

And the final query then looks like this

        Result<Record> queryResults =

So what I currently attempt to do is replace the sort field with something like this

    sortFields.add(udfNaturalsortformat(PROJECT.NAME, 10, ".").desc());

but the signature mismatches.

What is the proper way to include this method in my order by statement?


  • As you can see in signatures of generated methods:

    public static Field<String> udfNaturalsortformat(
          String instring
        , Integer numberlength
        , String sameorderchars
    public static Field<String> udfNaturalsortformat(
          Field<String> instring
        , Field<Integer> numberlength
        , Field<String> sameorderchars

    It has only overrides for all java simple objects (first one) or Field<?> references (second one).

    Since you use PROJECT.NAME as a first argument, you would probably use second generated method, but then you have to pass other arguments all of Field<?> type. So try DSL.val or DSL.inline, which is a way to pass constant value as a field:

    udfNaturalsortformat(Staff.STAFF.ACQUIRED_COMPANY, DSL.val(10), DSL.val(".")).desc();