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Load or Read a JSON from local in Google AppScript

I am looking to read a json file, namely config.json from a AppScript to generate a Google Form from the meta data in the config.json. I am not sure how to read the JSON file - could someone help me with it please? Some example code would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks


  • If you're like me, you may have looked here to see how to store the JSON file inside the actual Apps Script project (e.g. alongside and then retrieve it in

    I did this:

    • Add an HTML file to your project.
    • Remove all the content of the HTML file and put in your JSON
    • In your file, use something like the following:
    //Assume the file you added to your project is called 'my-json.html'
    const jsonString = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("my-json.html").getContent();
    const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);