I'm going to mask words with regex.
The detection results are as follows.
regex: (?<=.{2}).*(?=.{3})
word : AABBCCC
Result : BB
Use the following code to function normally as shown below.
word.match(new RegExp(regex, 'gi')).forEach(v => {
word = word.replace(v, '*'.repeat(v.length));
Result: AA**CCC
But If the word is BBBBCCC, Result is **BBCCC I want to BB**CCC, How can I get the results I want?
Inside the foreach, you are replacing the match BB
(which is in variable v
) in the word BBBBCCC
, which will replace the first occurrence of BB
giving **BBCCC
It works in the first example for AABBCCC
as BB
is the only occurrence in the string to be replaced.
What you can to is use the match in the callback of replace.
let word = "BBBBCCC";
const regex = /(?<=.{2}).+(?=.{3})/;
console.log(word.replace(regex, v => '*'.repeat(v.length)))