Search code examples

Search for an object in the specified categories. HQL / MYSQL

There is a product table that has a ManyToMany link to Categories. enter image description here

My goal is to select the top 5 most suitable products for the given categories.

Now I have implemented such a query, but it is not very effective, because at first it finds a match by the number of categories, and by the first match with the category name.

@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p JOIN p.categories c WHERE IN (:categories) ORDER BY SIZE(p.categories) DESC")
    List<Product> findByCategories_NameInOrderByCount(@Param("categories") Collection<String> categories);

How can I improve my query so that it will be the first to return products with the largest number of categories matching the name?


  • Your query is wrong, you should use something similar to this:

    @Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM p.categories c WHERE IN (:categories)) > 0 ORDER BY (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM p.categories c WHERE IN (:categories)) DESC")
    List<Product> findByCategories_NameInOrderByCount(@Param("categories") 
    Collection<String> categories);

    Anyway, this will probably not perform very well either because the database will have to join and sort the three tables. To avoid this, one normally uses an inverted or multi-valued index as MySQL calls it ( Drop the product_has_category and category tables and instead introduce a JSON column "details" in the product table.

    You can then create an index:

    CREAT INDEX categories ON product( (CAST(JSON_EXTRACT(categories, '$[*]') AS VARCHAR(80) ARRAY)) )

    And query it like this:

    @Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE FUNCTION('JSON_OVERLAPS', FUNCTION('JSON_EXTRACT', p.categories, '$[*]'), :categories) = 1 ORDER BY FUNCTION('COUNT_MATCHES', p.categories, :categories) DESC")
    List<Product> findByCategories_NameInOrderByCount(@Param("categories") 
    String categories);

    But you need to add a function to your database:

    CREATE FUNCTION COUNT_MATCHES (categories JSON, searchCategories JSON)
       RETURN (
         SELECT COUNT(*) 
         FROM JSON_TABLE(categories, '$[*]' COLUMNS(
           name VARCHAR(80) PATH '$' ERROR ON ERROR)
         ) c
         JOIN JSON_TABLE(searchCategories, '$[*]' COLUMNS(
           name VARCHAR(80) PATH '$' ERROR ON ERROR )
         ) s ON =