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Why is SQLAlchemy count() much slower than the raw query?

I'm using SQLAlchemy with a MySQL database and I'd like to count the rows in a table (roughly 300k). The SQLAlchemy count function takes about 50 times as long to run as writing the same query directly in MySQL. Am I doing something wrong?

# this takes over 3 seconds to return


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM segments;
| COUNT(*) |
|   281992 |
1 row in set (0.07 sec)

The difference in speed increases with the size of the table (it is barely noticeable under 100k rows).


Using session.query( instead of session.query(Segment).count() seems to do the trick and get it up to speed. I'm still puzzled why the initial query is slower though.


  • Unfortunately MySQL has terrible, terrible support of subqueries and this is affecting us in a very negative way. The SQLAlchemy docs point out that the "optimized" query can be achieved using query(func.count(

    Return a count of rows this Query would return.

    This generates the SQL for this Query as follows:

    SELECT count(1) AS count_1 FROM (
         SELECT <rest of query follows...> ) AS anon_1

    For fine grained control over specific columns to count, to skip the usage of a subquery or otherwise control of the FROM clause, or to use other aggregate functions, use func expressions in conjunction with query(), i.e.:

    from sqlalchemy import func
    # count User records, without
    # using a subquery.
    # return count of user "id" grouped
    # by "name"
    from sqlalchemy import distinct
    # count distinct "name" values