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How to include two2 sum ranges in SUMIFS (excel)

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Hi everyone,

What I want to achieve in this task is:

  • If AAPL appeared the most in the winning category, then the Best performance will be AAPL regardless of whether the total P/L (total P/L for winning & lossing) for AAPL is higher or lower than ROKU. For example in the screenshot above, AAPL appeared 4 times in winning category with total P/L of 151.5 while ROKU appeared 2 times with total P/L of 187. So the Best performance will be AAPL instead of ROKU even though the P/L for ROKU is higher.

  • However, if the frequency for both AAPL and ROKU appeared in the winning category are the same, then the Best performance will be determined by total P/L. So in this case, if the total P/L for ROKU is still higher than AAPL, then the Best performance will be ROKU.

I tried to use SUMIFS but it only allow me to have a sum range which result in 291.5. The formulas in cell H6 is =IF(B6:B215<>"",COUNTIF(B6:B215,B6:B215),""), cell I6 is =MAX(H6:H215) and cell J6 is =MAX(SUMIFS(C6:C215,B6:B215,B6:B215,H6:H215,$I$6)) as shown in the screenshot above. I think what I did is not a right one but I'm not sure what can be modified. The correct output should be the answers in cell C2:C3.

Please give me some advice on how should I modify my formulas in order to achieve this. Any help will be greatly appreciated!


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  • List item


  • You can achieve it with any helping column if you have Excel O365. Try below formula to C2 cell


    Then put below formula to C3 cell


    enter image description here

    Edit: Try below formulas as per my screenshot with helping columns for Non 365 version of excel.

    C2=INDEX(IF(J6:J11=MAX(J6:J11),B6:B11,""),1) -->Array entry (CRTL+SHIFT+ENTER)

    enter image description here