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Conditional move (cmov) for AVX vector registers based on scalar integer condition?

For 64-bit registers, there is the CMOVcc A, B instruction, that only writes B to A if condition cc is satisfied:

; Do rax <- rdx iff rcx == 0
test rcx, rcx
cmove rax, rdx

However, I wasn't able to find anything equivalent for AVX. I still want to move depending on the value of RFLAGS, just with larger operands:

; Do ymm1 <- ymm2 iff rcx == 0
test rcx, rcx
cmove ymm1, ymm2  (invalid)

Is there an AVX equivalent for cmov? If not, how can I achieve this operation in a branchless way?


  • Given this branchy code (which will be efficient if the condition predicts well):

        cmp rcx, rdx
        jne  .nocopy
         vmovdqa  ymm1, ymm2       ;; copy if RCX==RDX

    We can do it branchlessly by creating a 0 / -1 vector based on the compare condition, and blending on it. Some optimizations vs. the other answer:

    • Broadcast after XMM compare, so you don't need to broadcast both inputs. Saves an instruction, and makes the compare only XMM (saves a uop on Zen1).
    • Reduce the integer inputs to one integer if you can do it cheaply. So you only need to copy one thing from integer to XMM regs. Scalar xor can run on any execution port, while vmovd/q xmm, reg can only run on a single execution port on Intel: port 5, the same one needed by vector shuffles like vpbroadcastq ymm, xmm.

    As well as saving 1 total instruction, it makes some of them cheaper (less competition for the same execution port, e.g. scalar xor isn't SIMD at all) and off the critical path (xor-zeroing). And in a loop, you can prepare a zeroed vector outside the loop.

    ;; inputs: RCX, RDX.  YMM1, YMM2
    ;; output: YMM0
       xor      rcx, rdx        ; 0 or non-0.
       vmovq    xmm0, rcx
             vpxor xmm3, xmm3, xmm3   ; can be done any time, e.g. outside a loop
       vcmpeqq  xmm0, xmm0, xmm3      ; 0 if RCX!=RDX,  -1 if RCX==RDX
       vpbroadcastq ymm0, xmm0
       vpblendvb    ymm0, ymm1, ymm2, ymm0   ; ymm0 = (rcx==rdx) ? ymm2 : ymm1

    Destroying the old RCX means you might need a mov, but this is still worth it.

    A condition like rcx >= rdx (unsigned) could be done with cmp rdx, rcx / sbb rax,rax to materialize a 0 / -1 integer (which you can broadcast without needing vpcmpeqq).

    A signed-greater-than condition is more of a pain; you might end up wanting 2x vmovq for vpcmpgtq, instead of cmp/setg/vmovd / vpbroadcastb. Especially if you don't have a convenient register to setg into to avoid a possible false dependency. setg al / read EAX isn't a problem for partial register stalls: CPUs new enough to have AVX2 don't rename AL separately from the rest of RAX. (Only Intel ever did that, and doesn't in Haswell.) So anyway, you could just setcc into the low byte of one of your cmp inputs.

    Note that vblendvps and vblendvpd only care about the high byte of each dword or qword element. If you have two correctly sign-extended integers, and subtracting them won't overflow, c - d will be directly usable as your blend control, just broadcast that. FP blends between integer SIMD instructions like vpaddd have an extra 1 cycle of bypass latency on input and output, on Intel CPUs with AVX2 (and maybe similar on AMD), but the instruction you save will also have latency.

    With unsigned 32-bit numbers, you're likely to have them already zero-extended to 64-bit in integer regs. In that case, sub rcx, rdx could set the MSB of RCX identically to how cmp ecx, edx would set CF. (And remember that the FLAGS condition for jb / cmovb is CF == 1)

    ;; unsigned 32-bit compare, with inputs already zero-extended
       sub   rcx, rdx               ; sets MSB = (ecx < edx)
       vmovq xmm0, rcx
       vpbroadcastq   ymm0, xmm0
       vblendvpd      ymm0, ymm1, ymm2, ymm0   ; ymm0 = ecx<edx ? ymm2 : ymm1

    But if your inputs are already 64-bit, and you don't know that their range is limited, you'd need a 65-bit result to fully capture a 64-bit subtraction result.

    That's why the condition for jl is SF != OF, not just a-b < 0 because a-b is done with truncating math. And the condition for jb is CF == 1 (instead of the MSB).