I have 100 audio tracks, each with a unique mp3 URL. When a user clicks on an audio track it will play, if the user clicks on another track the current track stops and the clicked track plays. However, I am unable to figure out how to pause the current track if the user clicks it again. Note that I do NOT want to pause the audio if the user clicks on any other track other than the currently playing track.
Here is my code
changeSong: function (index) {
if (index !== undefined) {
this.currentSong = index;
this.audioFile = this.musicPlaylist[this.currentSong].url;
this.audio = new Audio(this.audioFile);
if (this.audio.paused) {
<li class="item" v-for="(item,index) in musicPlaylist" :key="index"
v-bind:class="{ 'active':isCurrentSong(index) }" v-on:click="changeSong(index)">
Try something like this. It's pseudo code you might have to tweak it a bit.
changeSong: function(index) {
// a song is playing/paused and it's clicked again
if (this.currentSong != null && this.currentSong === index) {
// want to pass 0 through^ since it's legit index
if (this.audio.paused) {
return this.audio.play()
} else {
return this.audio.pause()
// ^ returns from from the function in case of play/pause existing song
// --- a new song is clicked ---
// pause current song before losing reference to it.
this.currentSong = index;
this.audioFile = this.musicPlaylist[this.currentSong].url;
this.audio = new Audio(this.audioFile);
/* not sure if this is needed anymore.
* Does audio start playing automatically? Remove if not needed
if (this.audio.paused) {