I try to define a QMap which it's key is a C++ structure.
struct ProcInfo_S
quint8 tech = 0;
quint8 direction = 0;
quint8 category = 0;
QMap<ProcInfo_S, uint64_t> G;
G[{2,3,4}] = 2;
But when I compile this code, I get the following compile error:
error: no match for ‘operator<’ (operand types are ‘const MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget*)::ProcInfo_S’
The order of the elements in the map is determined by calling operator<
of the keys. From documentation:
[...] The key type of a QMap must provide operator<() specifying a total order. Since Qt 5.8.1 it is also safe to use a pointer type as key, even if the underlying operator<() does not provide a total order.
One way to implement it is for example:
struct ProcInfo_S
quint8 tech = 0;
quint8 direction = 0;
quint8 category = 0;
bool operator<( const ProcInfo_S& other) const {
return std::tie(tech,direction,category) < std::tie(other.tech,other.direction,other.category);