I have a table called "Names" like this
Name | Value |
Pete | 5 |
Hugo | 1 |
and would like to add new data point, let's say "Malcolm, 9".
I can do it like this:
Sub addName()
Dim tbl as Listobject: Set tbl = Range("Names").ListObject
With tbl.ListRows.Add
.Range(1) = "Malcolm"
.Range(2) = 9
End With
End Sub
For the sake of flexibility, changing column order, inserted columns and the like, I would like to do it like this:
Sub addName()
Dim tbl as Listobject: Set tbl = Range("Names").ListObject
With tbl.ListRows.Add
.Range("Name") = "Malcolm"
.Range("Value") = 9
End With
End Sub
Is there a way in VBA to achieve this easily? There is a workaround in which you check the table header first, and look for the position of the column name. But that is overly tedious.
Hope this not-so-tedious workaround will do the trick. You need to insert two more lines.
Sub addName3()
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim clm1 As Integer
Dim clm2 As Integer
Set tbl = Range("Names").ListObject
clm1 = tbl.ListColumns("Name").Index
clm2 = tbl.ListColumns("Value").Index
With tbl.ListRows.Add
.Range(clm1) = "Malcolm"
.Range(clm2) = 9
End With
End Sub