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How to detect colored cell in Table Control

I have a question regarding a table in t-code FEBA, which is used for electronic bank statements. I'm trying to detect whether an item is selected or not. In the screenshot, you can see that the selected item is displayed in blue font, while the unselected items are in the normal font color:

enter image description here

I have the following code to loop through each line, but I couldn't find a way to check if an item is selected. Could you help me improve this?

Here is the line that I'm trying to modify to perform this check:

session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS/tabpREST/ssubPAGE:SAPDF05X:6106/tblSAPDF05XTC_6106/txtDF05B-PSBET[11," & adjustedIndex & "]")

Apart from that, there's another way to detect selection: in the screenshot, if an item is selected, we can press on this line, but if it is not selected, we can't press it.

session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS/tabpREST/ssubPAGE:SAPDF05X:6106/tblSAPDF05XTC_6106/txtDF05B-PSDIF[12," & adjustedIndex & "]")

Full code:

 Function LoopDataOriginal(session As Object)
        Dim rowCount As Integer
        Dim visibleRows As Integer
        Dim scrollPos As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim adjustedIndex As Integer
        Dim batchSize As Integer
        Dim endRow As Integer
        rowCount = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS/tabpREST/ssubPAGE:SAPDF05X:6106/tblSAPDF05XTC_6106").rowCount
        visibleRows = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS/tabpREST/ssubPAGE:SAPDF05X:6106/tblSAPDF05XTC_6106").VisibleRowCount
        batchSize = visibleRows
        For scrollPos = 0 To rowCount - 1 Step batchSize
            session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS/tabpREST/ssubPAGE:SAPDF05X:6106/tblSAPDF05XTC_6106").verticalScrollbar.position = scrollPos
            endRow = scrollPos + batchSize - 1
            If endRow >= rowCount Then endRow = rowCount - 1
            For i = scrollPos To endRow
                adjustedIndex = i Mod visibleRows
                Debug.Print session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS/tabpREST/ssubPAGE:SAPDF05X:6106/tblSAPDF05XTC_6106/txtDF05B-PSDIF[12," & adjustedIndex & "]").Text
                Debug.Print session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS/tabpREST/ssubPAGE:SAPDF05X:6106/tblSAPDF05XTC_6106/txtDF05B-PSBET[11," & adjustedIndex & "]").Text
        'to add to check for selected
            Next i
        Next scrollPos
    End Function


  • So, you are talking about a GuiTableControl Object. All possible methods are listed in the documentation.

    You need to get the cell object, which is a GuiVComponent Object, via the field ID with its column/row coordinates (or via the method GetCell of the Table Control object if you prefer):

    Set tableControl = session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tabsTS/tabpREST/ssubPAGE:SAPDF05X:6106/tblSAPDF05XTC_6106")
    Set cell = tableControl.findById("txtDF05B-PSBET[11," & relativeRowIndex & "]")
    ' OR
    Set cell = tableControl.getCell(11,relativeRowIndex)

    You then get the property highlighted, whose value is 1 if the cell text is highlighted (blue as you describe it), or 0 otherwise:

    msgbox cell.Highlighted