I have a JSON assigned to a variable called user
var user= {
Suppose I want to get data from it and use it somewhere.
String encodedjson=jsonEncode(user);
Map <String,dynamic> decodedJson=jsonDecode(encodedjson);
var colordata=decodedJson['color'];
Now I want to use colordata Let say I want to put the color in a container background
Container(width: 200,height:200,color:colordata,)
This will give me an error because colordata is not the type Color.. So what should I do use JSON color like this.
You can store the color as a hex literal/int, which is JSON encodable, then pass it to the Color
var user= {
'color': 0xffffff,
String encodedjson=jsonEncode(user);
Map<String,dynamic> decodedJson=jsonDecode(encodedjson);
var colordata = Color(decodedJson['color']);