I have the following concern: I have been dealing with sqlkata for a few hours, but I am not getting anywhere with the following problem: I want to create a select statements with linked where clauses. However, I can't find a way to set braces. My current SQL statement looks like this:
SELECT [id], [filename], [extension], [ocr_full_ready], [pdf_type] FROM [document]
WHERE [extension] IN ('.eml', '.msg', '.docx', '.xlsx', '.doc', '.xls', '.txt', '.lnk')
AND [ocr_full_ready] IS NULL OR [ocr_full_ready] BETWEEN 3 AND 9
AND NOT (LOWER([filename]) like 'gobd%')
What I need though is:
SELECT [id], [filename], [extension], [ocr_full_ready], [pdf_type] FROM [document]
WHERE [extension] IN ('.eml', '.msg', '.docx', '.xlsx', '.doc', '.xls', '.txt', '.lnk')
AND ([ocr_full_ready] IS NULL OR [ocr_full_ready] BETWEEN 3 AND 9)
AND NOT (LOWER([filename]) like 'gobd%')
Note the added braces in the third line.
My current sqlkata statement looks like this:
Dim query = qf.Query("document").Select("id", "filename", "extension", "ocr_full_ready", "pdf_type") _
.WhereIn("extension", New String() {".eml", ".msg", ".docx", ".xlsx", ".doc", ".xls", ".txt", ".lnk"}) _
.WhereNull("ocr_full_ready").OrWhereBetween("ocr_full_ready", 3, 9) _
.WhereNotLike("filename", "Gobd%") _
.OrderByDesc("id") _
I'm sure it's not a hard problem. I guess I miss the solution all the time. Thanks to all who help.
According to Nested Conditions documentation from SqlKata:
To group your conditions, just wrap them inside another
So in your example it would be:
Dim query = qf.Query("document").Select("id", "filename", "extension", "ocr_full_ready", "pdf_type") _
.WhereIn("extension", New String() {".eml", ".msg", ".docx", ".xlsx", ".doc", ".xls", ".txt", ".lnk"}) _
.Where(Function(w) w.WhereNull("ocr_full_ready").OrWhereBetween("ocr_full_ready", 3, 9)) _
.WhereNotLike("filename", "Gobd%") _
.OrderByDesc("id") _