Suppose, I have an Entity with read-only Id property, like:
public int Id { get; }
And then I have a Persistence layer which implements entity repository and assigns new Id value when Entity is stored to db:
public async Task AddToDb(MyEntity ent) { ... };
Now, this method could return an entity from Db by reading it, but I don't like making another network request (there's no concurrency in this case). So I'd better assign new Id to the passed entity. But the Id
is read-only. I'm thinking to make Persistence layer "friendly" to Domain layer by using InternalsVisibleTo
Well, it seems a bit hacky and I know the db should be the source of truth. Are there any other options? Am I doing something completely unnecessary/wrong?
Couple of possible options here that spring to mind outside of using InternalsVisibleTo are:
You could make use of the init accessor introduced in C#9 to do what you need?
public int Id { get; init; }
This would allow you to maintain the property as readonly but you could assign it at object intialisation.
In the externally facing project (view or API or whatever)
public MyEntityViewModel()
string SomeProperty { get; set;}
Then in the persistance layer
public MyEntity()
public int Id { get; init; }
string SomeProperty { get; set;}
public async Task<int> AddToDb(MyEntityViewModel ent)
var newEnt = new MyEntity(){ Id = 1234 };
//map the contents of the ViewModel to the peristance Model
newEnt.SomeProperty = ent.SomeProperty;
///code to commit to DB.
return newEnt.Id;
Theres all sorts of discusions could be had here about where each model would live, which assembly should have reponsibilty for the mapping etc but I hope this communicates the general idea.