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what is the equivalent of jasmine.createSpyObj() for jest?

What is the equivalent of the below code in Jest.

let mockHeroService = jasmine.createSpyObj(['getHeros', 'addHero', 'deleteHero']);

I would like to use it the testBed.

  providers: [
       provide: HeroService,
       useValue: mockHeroService         

My understanding is that, with jest, you can only spy on one method of a service like

const spy = jest.spyOn(HeroService, 'getHeros');

Thanks for helping


  • There's no equivalent because it doesn't have much uses. Jest is focused on modular JavaScript and generates auto-mocks (stubs) with jest.mock and jest.createMockFromModule.

    The problem with auto-mocks is that they result in unspecified set of functions that behave differently from original ones and can make the code that uses them to work incorrectly or silently fail.

    A mock with no implementation can be defined as:

    let mockHeroService = { getHeros: jest.fn(), ... };

    Most times some implementation is expected:

    let mockHeroService = { getHeros: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(...), ... };