I am trying to map through a server side API response to store first three items in state as an array of objects with title and url key/value pairs. I am getting an "objects are not valid as React children" error when I run this code. How do I properly push objects to my articles useState array so that I can then map over the array to render them as links on my page? Thanks...
const CodeNews = () => {
const [articles, setArticles] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
let tempArr = [];
for(let i=0;i < 3; i++){
title: res.data.articles[i].title,
url: res.data.articles[i].url
Probably the solution will be to change the rendering method to something like this:
articles.map((el) => (
<a href={el.url}>{el.title}</a>
This is because you can't render a whole object in JSX.