I am using the ready package as a base, I have done all steps in the readme.md file and was able to login as "einstein" user. So all seems to be configured correctly.
Later I have changed the credentials for the ldap server, which is using Active Directory.
While runing command php artisan ldap:test i receive message that i was able to connect correctly. Laravel logs says the same, but I cannot log in to laravel app. While running the command php artisan ldap:import ldap get message that no users where find
In the log file i see something like this:
[2021-04-28 23:04:08] local.INFO: LDAP (ldap://domain.pl:389) - Operation: Search - Base DN: [email protected],ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=pl - Filter: (&(objectclass=top)(objectclass=person)(objectclass=organizationalperson)(objectclass=inetorgperson)(uid=username)) - Selected: (entryuuid,*) - Time Elapsed: 737.37
Have anyone had the same issue with the ldaprecord that he was able to connect to domain but wasn't able to authenticate to an app ? And was able to solve that ?
UPDATE: i've found that auth.php is using wrong User model, it was using OpenLdap not Active directory, changed that but result is still the same
Problem solved, to make it work with AD you need to: