I'm converting some code that originally used the json++ library to now use rapidJSON. The code serializes and de-serializes various objects using json files. In json++, it looks something like this:
string normal = "normal";
wstring wide = L"wide";
JSON::Object json;
json["normal"] = normal;
json["wide"] = wide;
string normalCopy = json["normal"].as_string();
wstring wideCopy = json["wide"].as_wstring();
I haven't found a simple way to serialize and deserialize mixed strings using rapidJSON.
Here are two examples:
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace rapidjson;
int main()
string normalstr = "This is a normal string";
wstring widestr = L"This is a wide string";
Document doc;
auto& alloc = doc.GetAllocator();
Value val(kObjectType);
val.AddMember("normal", normalstr, alloc);
val.AddMember("wide", widestr, alloc); // <-- cannot convert
StringBuffer buffer;
Writer<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
ostringstream jsonOutput;
jsonOutput << buffer.GetString();
cout << jsonOutput.str() << endl;
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
using namespace rapidjson;
int main()
string normalstr = "This is a normal string";
wstring widestr = L"This is a wide string";
Document doc;
auto& alloc = doc.GetAllocator();
GenericValue<UTF16<> > val(kObjectType);
val.AddMember(L"normal", normalstr, alloc); // <-- cannot convert
val.AddMember(L"wide", widestr, alloc);
GenericStringBuffer<UTF16<> > buffer;
Writer<GenericStringBuffer<UTF16<> >, UTF16<>> writer(buffer);
ostringstream jsonOutput;
jsonOutput << buffer.GetString();
cout << jsonOutput.str() << endl;
Based on my understanding, RapidJSON is set up to work either exclusively with std::string (UTF-8) or with std::wstring (UTF-16) when dealing at object-level granularity.
Do I need to convert from wstring to string when I have both types in the object I want to serialize or is there something available in the API that I'm not aware of?
I think you need to use conversion here, I have go through the doc and src of RapidJSON, and confirmed that we can't mix GenericValue
with Value
We can use the wstring_convert
, see this answer as the reference.
Or with boost.