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Spring Cloud Contract, body and execute method is not validating the response

I have the following spring cloud contract:

package contracts.teams


Contract.make {
    name"d Find team roles by filters"
    description "Find team roles by filters"

    request {
        method "POST"
        url "api/team/findTeamRolesByFilters"
        headers {
            contentType applicationJson()
            accept applicationJson()
            header"Authorization", execute('bearerOfAccessToken()')
        body execute('getRequestForFindTeamRolesByFilters()')

    response {
        status OK()
        headers {
            contentType applicationJson()
        body execute('getResponseForFindTeamRolesByFilters()')

I call the getResponseForFindTeamRolesByFilters() at the response in order to generate a dynamic response from the server. The reason could for example be an auto generated id that is coming from the DB. The generated string from the getResponseForFindTeamRolesByFilters() is a valid JSON that unfortunately is ignored and returns always true when the test run.

I have noticed this when I replace the execute method with a static response like the following one:

   "success": "false"

In this case the response is being validated correctly and fails the test in case it does not match. What I said is being confirmed by the test generated code as it can be seen here:

// then:

        // and:
            DocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(response.getBody().asString());

As you can see there is no assertion. It simply calls the method that generates the json.

How am I supposed to make the test check the dynamic json response? Thank you!


  • I call the getResponseForFindTeamRolesByFilters() at the response in order to generate a dynamic response from the server.

    You should not do it. Contract tests should not access the database.

    For the consumer you should do

    request {
            method "POST"
            url "api/team/findTeamRolesByFilters"
            headers {
                contentType applicationJson()
                accept applicationJson()
                header"Authorization", execute('bearerOfAccessToken()')
            body $(producer(execute('getRequestForFindTeamRolesByFilters()')), consumer("some value to be put on the consumer side"))

    For the producer

    response {
        status OK()
        headers {
            contentType applicationJson()
        body $(producer(execute('getResponseForFindTeamRolesByFilters()')), consumer("something in the stub"))