been banging my head against this for hours.
I am trying to remove a nested elment of an array in an object. It must be done immutably within a reducer, which is making it tricky.
Here is the object:
questions {
answers: [{…}]
createdAt: "2021-04-28T01:37:21.017Z"
creator: "607f6ab0ee09c"
likes: []
name: "Firstname Lastname"
I want to remove just 1 element of the answers array. The problem is I don't know the exact element (of questions) until I search by 'creator' code, and then I can delete the answers element by key #.
I tried using map and filter, but with 3 layers deep that logic just never worked out. I'm also open to using Immutable-js.
thanks so much, quite a baffling issue for what seems like a simple thing to do.
EDIT: I realized I can determine the key of the top level questions object in the action creator and send it over to the reducer. So all I need to know how to do is remove an element of an array in an object, nested in another object.
thanks for any help!
First of clone your questions
object by using ...
ES6 operator
const clonedQuestion = {...questions}
Now for removing element from answers array
const indexOfElementToRemove = clonedQuestion.answers.findIndex(element => element.creator === clonedQuestion.creator);
if(indexOfElementToRemove >= 0) {
clonedQuestion.answers.splice(indexOfElementToRemove, 1)