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Mockito and PowerMock for ObjectInputStream

I am trying to test a method that uses ObjectInputStream for reading in data from file but I want to use mocks for ObjectInputStream. This method to be tested instantiates a new ObjectInputStream every time it is called, so I need to use PowerMock for mocking the constructor so that everytime an ObjectInputStream is instantiated, it will be a mock. Here is what I have so far:

public void test() throws Exception {
    ObjectInputStream inputStream = mock(ObjectInputStream.class);
    myFun() // call method to be tested   

However, this doesn't work for some reason as I get NullPointerException at when(inputStream.readObject()), which I don't know why. Any ideas on how to mock ObjectInputStream?


  • @Test
        public void test() throws Exception {
            Object object = mock(Object.class);
            ObjectInputStream inputStream = mock(ObjectInputStream.class);
            myFun() // call method to be tested   

    Did you create the object somewhere else?

    And your test should assert against something?