im working on a script that subscribe to inline keyboard bot when i click the keyboard button in bot the bot will update the message with another buttons
what i done
i got the bot message and click on a button
what im missing is that when i click the button i can not get the updated buttons
my code :
Calling the class and add event handler
$MadelineProto = new API('accounts/us2.madeline',$settings);
**Get last update message **
public function onUpdateNewMessage(array $update): \Generator
if (isset($update['message']['out']) && $update['message']['out']) {
if (isset($update['message']['reply_markup']['rows'])) {
foreach ($update['message']['reply_markup']['rows'] as $row) {
foreach ($row['buttons'] as $button) {
if(strpos($button['text'],'تجميع النقاط') !== false){
$a = yield $this->messages->getBotCallbackAnswer(['msg_id'=>$update['message']['id'],'peer'=>self::ReciverID]);
print_r(json_encode($a)) ;
}catch(Exception $e){
echo "erorr : ".$e->getMessage() ;
} }
}} }
i used onUpdateEditMessage method to get the updated buttons when i click a button.