I use file_get_contents for give answer from remote address and explode for create array give data.
For this I use next code:
function test() {
$project_key ='fg54gth5k7';
$postdata = http_build_query(
'code' => $project_key
$opts = array('http' =>
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => $postdata
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$result = file_get_contents('http://test.com/', false, $context);
return $result;
$res = test();
echo $res;
$part = explode(' ', $res);
echo $res return row:
3434343 http://test.com/index.php?r=site/stepone
&temptoken=c68c0ae1cece433fe5d6f6578cc0a9b6 OK68 OK Redirect
http://test.com/index.php?r=site/stepone&temptoken=c68c0ae1cece433fe5d6f6578cc0a9b6 0
var_dump() return array
array(5) {
[0]=> string(8) "3434343"
[1]=> string(0) ""
[2]=> string(0) ""
[3]=> string(110) "http://test.com/index.php?r=site/stepone
&temptoken=c68c0ae1cece433fe5d6f6578cc0a9b6 OK68 OK Redirect"
[4]=> string(100) "http://test.com/index.php?
r=site/stepone&temptoken=c68c0ae1cece433fe5d6f6578cc0a9b6 0 "
Tell me please why am I getting the wrong array?
array should been next:
array(10) {
[0]=> string(8) "3434343"
[1]=> string(0) ""
[2]=> string(0) ""
[3]=> string(110) "http://test.com/index.php?r=site/stepone
[4]=> string(4) "OK68 OK Redirect"
[5]=> string(2) "OK Redirect"
[6]=> string(8) "Redirect"
[7]=> string(100) "http://test.com/index.php?
[8]=> string(1) "0"
[9]=> string(0) ""
Tell me please where error?
They might not be the space character, but tabs etc.
Use preg_split
with the delimiter [\s]+
\s stands for "whitespace character". It includes [ \t\r\n] generally.