I'm trying to pass the data received from my function to a .cshtml file that uses javascript.
public static int LastID()
int LastArticleNr;
SqlConnection conn = GetSqlConnection(null);
LastArticleNr = conn.QueryFirstOrDefault <int> ("SELECT CAST(isnull(last_value,0) AS INT) AS ID FROM sys.identity_columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('Artikel')");
return LastArticleNr;
Now I don't know whether this is possible or not, or whether I would need to use a different method of getting this data. However what I've tried is simply calling the function which, to probably no-ones surprise didn't do much. I've also tried this:
@using namespace.Classes.DataLayer;
var LastID = DataLayer.LastID();
However even if the using clause should include the class in which this function exists, it fails to recognise the DataLayer class.
It really depends on how your application is structured. Like: What error do you get when you try to access the Data Access Layer? But If this is being done on page load, you could pass the data into TempData:
TempData['LastId'] = LastID();
And then in your razor page:
var lastId = TempData['LastId'];
However if you wanted to get it at any time after the page has loaded and do not want to refresh the page, you would have make an ajax call