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Get multiple instances of an object registered via Autofac module registration

I have a use case where I need to get two copies of objects registered from Autofac module and pass them to register different types.

In the below code sample,

  1. I want to pass an object of DataProtectionService with config dbConfig to register MyDbRepo.
  2. Similarly, I want to pass an object of DataProtectionService with config cacheConfig to register MyCacheRepo.

But, I am not sure how should I do that? Am I missing something really basic here?

I don't have an option to remove this DataProtectionServiceModule. Is there a way to achieve what I am expecting?

public class DataProtectionServiceModule : Module
    private readonly string config;

    public DataProtectionServiceModule(string config)
        this.config = config;

    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
        builder.Register<Token>(compContext =>
        { // a complex logic here
        }).OnRelease(instance => instance.Dispose());

        builder.Register(c =>
            // a logic to generate an object of IDataProtectionService
            // this logic involves the use of config field of this class.

public class MyDbRepo : IMyDbRepo
    IDataProtectionService dataProtectionService;
    public MyDbRepo(IDataProtectionService dataProtectionService)
        this.dataProtectionService = dataProtectionService;

public class MyCacheRepo : IMyCacheRepo
    IDataProtectionService dataProtectionService;
    public MyCacheRepo(IDataProtectionService dataProtectionService)
        this.dataProtectionService = dataProtectionService;

// Program.cs of my backend micro service
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterModule(new DataProtectionServiceModule("dbConfig"));
builder.RegisterModule(new DataProtectionServiceModule("cacheConfig")); // I have figured, this is wrong.


  • You can use Keyed Services. And then in your registration add a specific Resolve.

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            // Program.cs of my backend micro service
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
            builder.RegisterModule(new DataProtectionServiceModule("dbConfig", DeviceState.Db));
            builder.RegisterModule(new DataProtectionServiceModule("cacheConfig", DeviceState.Cache)); // I have figured, this is wrong.
                new ResolvedParameter(
                    (pi, ctx) => pi.ParameterType == typeof(IDataProtectionService),
                    (pi, ctx) => ctx.ResolveKeyed<IDataProtectionService>(DeviceState.Db)
                new ResolvedParameter(
                    (pi, ctx) => pi.ParameterType == typeof(IDataProtectionService),
                    (pi, ctx) => ctx.ResolveKeyed<IDataProtectionService>(DeviceState.Cache)
            var container = builder.Build();
            var cache = container.Resolve<IMyCacheRepo>();
            var db = container.Resolve<IMyDbRepo>();
    public enum DeviceState { Cache, Db }
    public class DataProtectionServiceModule : Module
        private readonly string config;
        private readonly DeviceState _state;
        public DataProtectionServiceModule(string config, DeviceState state)
            this.config = config;
            _state = state;
        protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
            builder.Register<Token>(compContext =>
            { // a complex logic here
            }).OnRelease(instance => instance.Dispose());
            builder.Register(c =>
                // a logic to generate an object of IDataProtectionService
                // this logic involves the use of config field of this class.
                return new DataProtectionService(config);
    public class DataProtectionService : IDataProtectionService
        public string Config { get; }
        public DataProtectionService(string config)
            Config = config;
    public class MyDbRepo : IMyDbRepo
        IDataProtectionService dataProtectionService;
        public MyDbRepo(IDataProtectionService dataProtectionService)
            this.dataProtectionService = dataProtectionService;
    public interface IDataProtectionService
    public interface IMyDbRepo
    public class MyCacheRepo : IMyCacheRepo
        IDataProtectionService dataProtectionService;
        public MyCacheRepo(IDataProtectionService dataProtectionService)
            this.dataProtectionService = dataProtectionService;
    public interface IMyCacheRepo

    Alternatively you can use Named Services and the config-name dbConfig and cacheConfig. This way you do not need to change the constructor of DataProtectionServiceModule.

            new ResolvedParameter(
                (pi, ctx) => pi.ParameterType == typeof(IDataProtectionService),
                (pi, ctx) => ctx.ResolveNamed<IDataProtectionService>("dbConfig")
            new ResolvedParameter(
                (pi, ctx) => pi.ParameterType == typeof(IDataProtectionService),
                (pi, ctx) => ctx.ResolveNamed<IDataProtectionService>("cacheConfig")

    And your module:

        protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
            //builder.Register<Token>(compContext =>
            //{ // a complex logic here
            //}).OnRelease(instance => instance.Dispose());
            builder.Register(c =>
                // a logic to generate an object of IDataProtectionService
                // this logic involves the use of config field of this class.
                return new DataProtectionService(config);