I know that the arrow operator ->
is used to dereference objects, but I'm quite confused with its usage on this piece of code from Visual Studio .net framework:
private: System::Void button3_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
if (txtDisplay->Text->Contains("-")){ //this could be phrased like (*txtDisplay).Text, why does the 'Text', a data member could contain a method named 'Contains()', and if 'Text' is not a data member but rather a class object, why can we assign a value into just like the line next after.
txtDisplay->Text = txtDisplay->Text->Remove(0, 1); //in here we have assign a value of 'Text' and because of that i assumed 'Text' was a data member
else {
txtDisplay->Text = "-" + txtDisplay->Text;
And another question, what's the main purpose of allocating objects in the heap, as I assume the object txtDisplay
is in the heap since it's a pointer?
You're confusing C++ with the .NET framework and its C++ extensions.
The txtDisplay
object has a Text
property which is likely a System::String^
which means it's a managed object. So you can 'assign' values to a managed object much like you can assign values to any other assignable type or that have the assignment operator overloaded.
For example, in .NET C++ you can do something like the following:
System::String^ SomeFunction(int i) {
return i.ToString();
Obviously, the int
type is a basic type that does not have any member methods; however, since you're using .NET, essentially you're utilizing a pseudo-C++ compiler that actually complies the C++ code into .NET which is then executed via the .NET runtime, which runs bytecode and not pure assembly (which is what traditional C++ is compiled to).
So that's why you can assign to the Text
Regarding whether the objects are allocated in the heap or the stack, that's really up to the .NET compiler/interpreter, but according to what I've read in documentation, there's a good chance it will be in the heap and not the stack, due to its reference counting and garbage collection. I should note that this is purely for the .NET framework and not regarding what would happen if you used ISO/ANSI C++.
It's best to think of .NET C++ like C# with C++-like syntax, and not like ISO C++ as they are really different things; yes you can use ISO C++ in .NET C++, but doing so can result in odd and unexpected behavior due to how the .NET CLR works versus a 'normal' C++ application running in a specific environment.