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update b-form-checkbox in Vue

I have the following <b-form-checkbox> inside a <b-table>:

Here is what I am trying to achieve:

1 - table starts with all checkboxes checked: this I can easily achieve through checked="true".

2 - as an example, try to uncheck a random box.

3 - now change the date from the calendar.

4 - here is where my issue starts: once the date is changed, I would like to return all the checkboxes to their initial states, which means that all of them should be checked.

I would like to achieve this through one of these two different ways:

  • option #1 - is there a way to include in my data items whether a column should be checked or not? This is what I tried to do in the following:

items: [
        {id: 1, check: true,},
        {id: 2, check: true,},
        {id: 3, check: true,},

but I can't find a way to tell <b-form-checkbox> to do that. As an example, I would like to have id: 2 initially set as check: false and the other as check: true. Is that possible?

  • option #2 - it would be also sufficient if I could somehow just reset all the values to tru once the date changes.

Any ideas?


  • Replace you #cell(check)="row" to #cell(check)="{ item }"

    <div id="app">
          <template #cell(check)="{ item }">

    In that way the component receive your item from the table component. Your #cell slot is containing more data such index that neccessery for some else uses.