I have not seen any thread talk about this specific error so here is the problem:
I have set up a C project in Clion and I configured in Setting -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Toolchains
a file usr/bin/make as the Make
I could run my code yesterday but today, i get the warning in a red window popping-up: Error running 'makefile': Cannot build 'makefile'
when I try to run my code.
What could possibly cause this?
It seems like you’re trying to run the makefile instead of the program that is built by it. Have you tried doing a build first? Or maybe you should try to clean the project too. Have a look a the blog post of JetBrains https://blog.jetbrains.com/clion/2020/06/makefile-projects-in-clion/. There’s a gif that shows how to clean the project. Hope this helps, if not maybe post your makefile so we can check if it has any errors.