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How to scrolldown a Container to some precise coordinate

Simplifying, I have this structure

Form {
   other stuff

The Form is not scrollable (and it is not supposed to be), tab is.

At some point I want to redraw the Form to keep it up to date with some new info added, and I do that creating a new one and showing it.

But I want to scroll down the Container tab to its predecessor's Y-coordinate.

I can easily save the Y coordinate in a static variable using


But I can't find a way to set it back when I create the new form.

setScrollY seems to be protected, and indeed if I try to run the program using it, I get an error

error: setScrollY(int) has protected access in Component tab.setScrollY(scrolledToY);

What is the correct function to use, instead? Thanks.


  • You can use scrollRectToVisible().

    FYI you can just modify the container and call revalidate to update the UI. This will prevent a nasty refresh problem you might experience. Also check out InfiniteContainer which might be what you're really looking for.