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apexcharts.js always display a set amount of horizontal lines

I created the same apexchart with 2 different datasets. Chart 1 looks great with horizontal lines. But chart 2 has just 1 horizontal line.

The only difference between chart 1 and chart 2 is the dataset. How can I always display 5 horizontal lines across the chart?

Chart 1:

Dataset 1:


Chart 2 :

Dataset 2:



  • It is showing on both charts, only that on the second it is only showing one. This is because the tick amount of the y-axis is calculated automatically depending on the data, but you can set it using tickAmount:

    yaxis: {
      tickAmount: 5

    let InfoinfoDisplay_color = "rgba(1, 100, 148, 0.95)";
    let InfoHovercolor = "rgba(1, 100, 148, 0.95)";
    var chartData = [
      [1619172418188, 1.0476013869111795],
      [1619175587292, 1.1198232589571675],
      [1619178853930, 1.157646111247407],
      [1619181915314, 1.1093982047739799],
      [1619184749901, 1.0798464813053623],
      [1619187818296, 1.1086855020268924],
      [1619190782881, 1.096000360488148],
      [1619193860463, 1.10672232619161],
      [1619196767038, 1.0988803848560535],
      [1619199743916, 1.0981656379540496],
      [1619202862866, 1.093804129207881],
      [1619205891702, 1.1077756492342723],
      [1619208843234, 1.1481203368627158],
      [1619211742488, 1.1172375471919378],
      [1619214829414, 1.110618846651946],
      [1619217810168, 1.1233988199629148],
      [1619220788002, 1.1413939139175715],
      [1619223899525, 1.1399773736160672],
      [1619226882428, 1.1191436618449704],
      [1619229755380, 1.12186472542115],
      [1619232856982, 1.128074522521124],
      [1619235801347, 1.1467409723241526],
      [1619238745617, 1.1333216765168754],
      [1619241860850, 1.141486724409456],
      [1619244733747, 1.1459909043812324],
      [1619247714927, 1.1413474565269073],
      [1619250869567, 1.127054245243459],
      [1619253888057, 1.1406556175192146],
      [1619258468000, 1.1208390731103737]
    var chartDisplay = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#coinDetailChart"), {
      chart: {
        type: 'area',
        stacked: false,
        height: 350,
        zoom: {
          type: 'x',
          enabled: true,
          autoScaleYaxis: true
        toolbar: {
          autoSelected: 'zoom'
      dataLabels: {
        enabled: false
      markers: {
        size: 0,
      title: {
        text: '<%=data[0].name%> Price Movement',
        align: 'left',
        style: {
          color: 'white'
      series: [{
        name: "$ ",
        data: chartData
      colors: [InfoinfoDisplay_color],
      opacity: 1,
      type: 'solid',
      fill: {
        colors: [InfoinfoDisplay_color],
        type: 'gradient',
        gradient: {
          type: "vertical",
          opacityFrom: 1,
          opacityTo: 1,
          gradientToColors: [InfoHovercolor],
          stops: [25, 100]
      yaxis: {
        labels: {
          style: {
            colors: 'white',
          show: true,
          offsetX: 0,
          offsetY: 0,
          rotate: 0,
          formatter: function(val) {
            return (val.toFixed(3));
        tickAmount: 5
      xaxis: {
        type: 'datetime',
        crosshairs: {
          width: 1
        labels: {
          style: {
            colors: 'white',
    * {
      background: black
      <script src=""></script>
      <div id="coinDetailChart"></div>