I am trying to create a map with multiple selection option of multiple L.GeoJSON.AJAX layers. I have difficulty incorporating specific style and onEachFeature functions to each layer. Can anyone please help me and see where I went wrong in my coding. So basically, when a user selects one or more geojson layers from a Bootstrap Navbar multiselect bar, s/he needs to be able to see and interact with the selected layers' style and other functions. Here is the section of my code with which I need help:
<li class="nav-item">
<select multiple="multiple" id="donnees">
<option value="ecoterritoires.geojson">Écoterritoires</option>
<option value="grands-parcs.geojson">Grands parcs</option>
<option value="friches.geojson">Friches</option>
<option value="densite-de-construction.geojson">Densité urbain</option>
$(document).ready(function () {
buttonClass: "custom-select",
nonSelectedText: "Sélectionnez une ou plusieurs couches",
allSelectedText: "Toutes les couches",
onChange: function () {
// Retirer la couche précédemment chargée
myMap.eachLayer(function (layer) {
if (layer instanceof L.GeoJSON) myMap.removeLayer(layer);
var couches_selectionnees = this.$select.val();
for (var i = 0; i < couches_selectionnees.length; i++) {
new L.GeoJSON.AJAX("data/" + couches_selectionnees[i], {
style: function (feature) {
if (couches_selectionnees[i] === "ecoterritoires.geojson") {
return {
color: "#006600",
fillColor: "#00ff00",
fillOpacity: 0,
dashArray: 1,
weight: 0.8,
} else if (couches_selectionnees[i] === "friches.geojson") {
return {
color: "#006600",
fillColor: "#00cc00",
fillOpacity: 1,
dashArray: 3,
weight: 0.5,
} else if (couches_selectionnees[i] === "grands-parcs.geojson") {
return {
color: "#006600",
fillColor: "#b3b300",
fillOpacity: 0.6,
dashArray: 2,
weight: 0.3,
} else if (couches_selectionnees[i] === "densite-de-construction.geojson") {
return {
color: "grey",
fillColor: classifier(feature.properties.indice),
fillOpacity: 0.8,
dashArray: 1,
weight: 0.5,
Similarly to Using an iterator within L.marker, you should be good by simply replacing for (var i
by for (let i
With var i
, you have a function scope variable, so it is actually the same one for all your loops. In particular, at the end of the loop, i
is equal to couches_selectionnees.length
. And once your GeoJSON data arrives and executes your style
function callback, it does not match any of your conditions, hence does not return anything, hence you only get the default style.
With let i
, you now have a block scope variable, i.e. a different one for each of your loops block.
BTW you could also use for (const i
in JavaScript, but TypeScript would complain that the later increment i++
is illegal.