I am receiving the following error when trying to locate the Version class from Apache PDFBox command line tools:
$ java org.apache.pdfbox.tools.Version -cp pdfbox-tools-3.0.0-RC1.jar
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.pdfbox.tools.Version
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: picocli/CommandLine$IVersionProvider
Also receiving this error when run a different way:
$ java -jar pdfbox-tools-3.0.0-RC1.jar Version ../sample_pdfs/test_1.pdf
no main manifest attribute, in pdfbox-tools-3.0.0-RC1.jar
Has anyone else had any similar problems with running the PDFBox tools on the command line under Ubuntu Server 18.04? New to Java and I have loaded and tested small program builds on the command line and they build and run fine. All java and javac components are recently added and the CLASSPATH is set. Not sure what I am missing. But based on the PDFBox samples for command line, this should work.
To use the command line tools, you need to use pdfbox-app, as described here. The pdfbox-tools subproject is for the tools API.