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How do I print a shape in a loop?

I am trying to print shapes in a loop, but when I run the program nothing shows up. I am using shapes from a custom class I made earlier. I use mouse clicks to get each end of the mouse (in a different section) and that is working.

public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
    for (int i = 0; i<howMany;i++){
        if (shapes[i] instanceof Line){ 
            Line l = (Line) shapes[i];
            g.drawLine((int)l.start.getX(),(int) l.start.getY(),(int) l.end.getX(),(int) l.end.getY());


  • Remove repaint request and double check that shapes is not empty and shapes[i] is actually a Line

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
        for (int i = 0; i<howMany;i++){
            if (shapes[i] instanceof Line){ 
                Line l = (Line) shapes[i];
                g.drawLine((int)l.start.getX(),(int) l.start.getY(),(int) l.end.getX(),(int) l.end.getY());
               // repaint(); remove that 