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Android ImageButton event does not execute all actions upon first click

I have a button to delete all data on my activity screen (a chart, database data and a textview) and to display a toast. Pressing the button does everything apart from getting rid of the textview, which only happens upon a second press. The code is in onCreate. Why is this happening and how can I fix it? Thank you :)

findViewById<ImageButton>( {
   pieChart.visibility = View.GONE
   textView.visibility = View.GONE
   Toast.makeText(this, "Successfully deleted all", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()


  • As @mayurgajra made me realise, some other code interfered with the changes in the textView. I managed to fix this with a boolean. I set it to true within the ImageButton event, and now I only modify the textview visibility in my other code if the boolean is false.

    private var deleted: Boolean = false
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            findViewById<ImageButton>( {
                pieChart.visibility = View.GONE
                totalUsage.visibility = View.GONE
                deleted = true
                Toast.makeText(this, "Successfully deleted all", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
    private fun otherMethod(){
               if (!deleted) {
                      totalUsage.text = "Total usage today: $hour"
                      totalUsage.visibility = View.VISIBLE