I'm currently trying to build a filter system for within my software and this is what I have below, as you can see i'm using eval()
and would like a solution where i don't need to use eval()
, does anybody have any suggestions?
const items = [{
Product: {
name: 'Hello',
which: 1
Finance: {
zero: 0
Product: {
name: 'Hello2',
which: 0
Finance: {
zero: 0
const filterMenu = [{
name: 'text1',
filterKey: 'Finance.zero == 0',
subText: false
}, {
name: 'text3',
filterKey: 'Product.which == 0',
subText: false
const filteredBy = [0, 1];
const filtered = items.filter(e => eval(filteredBy.map(item => "e." + filterMenu[item].filterKey).join(' && ')));
I'd suggest storing your filters as objects instead of strings. This way you can check each filterKey
via the every() method.
const items = [
Product: { name: 'Hello', which: 1 },
Finance: { zero: 0 },
Product: { name: 'Hello2', which: 0 },
Finance: { zero: 0 },
const filterMenu = [
name: 'text1',
filterKey: { group: 'Finance', key: 'zero', value: 0 },
subText: false,
name: 'text3',
filterKey: { group: 'Product', key: 'which', value: 0 },
subText: false,
const filtered = items.filter(( item ) => {
return filterMenu.every(( filter ) => {
const { group, key, value } = filter.filterKey;
return item[group][key] === value;