My question Explanation:
I have a variable of type = new FormData()
It has some key pair values for example.
const _CheckOutData = new FormData(); // Creating FormData object to send mulitpart data
_CheckOutData.append('Name', this._CheckOutForm.get('name').value);//Appending values to the
_CheckOutForm varibale from FormGroup
_CheckOutData.append('Street', this._CheckOutForm.get('street').value);//Appending values to the
_CheckOutForm varibale from FormGroup
_CheckOutData.append('City', this._CheckOutForm.get('city').value);/
I want to save these values in localStorages. when I directly save _ChechOutData to local storage its empty. Snippet of this function is
So getting empty local Storage. I tried a different apporach which actually work but as my Question is I want to push the values from the _CheckOutData (Type FormData) into new object. here is the snippet
let Value=key;
let Key=value;
let TemporaryCart={
So I am Successfully getting all and values and save them into TemporaryCart (type Object). But the Problem is if there are 5 values it is created 5 object in the Array.But I want to creat one Object with 5 values in it.
My Actual Result:
[{Name: "Fazi"}, {Street: "10570 S De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014, United States"}]
But What I want
Street:"xyz 123",
And So One
Please Help me community: Regards Abdul Rehman
Hi you can try this one to change formdata in object
formData.forEach(function(value, key){
object[key] = value;
var json = JSON.stringify(object);