I'm using spring-boot-data-elasticsearch to persist the documents into elasticsearch.
Below is my Document Object for it.
@Document(indexName = "testidx", createIndex = false)
public class Book {
private final String _id;
@Field(type = FieldType.Date, format = DateFormat.basic_date_time)
private final Instant regTime;
@Field(type = FieldType.Text)
private final String bookName;
However, when I saved the object into the ElasticSearchRepository, the regTime(which has to be created and saved automatically by @CreatedDate), has not been saved.
GET /testidx/_search
"_index" : "testidx",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "M3IS_XgBGpcXDVxetXXn",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_source" : {
"_class" : "{test class Name}",
"bookName" : "test",
Could you please let me know what I have been missed?
I'm working on the spring-boot 2.4.5 (and spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch 2.4.5 also) and ElasticSearch 7.12.0.
Please check the documentation about auditing (https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/elasticsearch/docs/4.2.0/reference/html/#elasticsearch.auditing).
Your entity needs to implement the Persistable
interface and needs to reimplement the isNew()
method (see section 9.2.1).
Note: I just saw that in the documented entity sample the @CreatedDate
and @CreatedBy
annotations are missing. I will fix the docs, the annotation is needed of course.
Then do you have @EnableElasticsearchAuditing
on your Spring Boot application or any other configuration class? This is needed as well.