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How to get complex JSON string into columns SQL Server

I have stored some data in the table as JSON string like below.

         "streetAddress":"21 2nd Street",
         "city":"New York",
         "home":"212 555-1234",
         "fax":"646 555-4567"
         "streetAddress":"10 Street",
         "city":"New York",
         "home":"212 555-3265",

To export these data to an excel file I need to make a query to get these details like below

enter image description here

with CROSS APPLY OPENJSON I can get names, and ages, but how can I get the address and contact details as columns?


  • You need to use OPENJSON() and the appropriate paths:


    DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'[
             "streetAddress":"21 2nd Street",
             "city":"New York",
             "home":"212 555-1234",
             "fax":"646 555-4567"
             "streetAddress":"10 Street",
             "city":"New York",
             "home":"212 555-3265",


    SELECT *
       FirstName nvarchar(100) '$.firstName',
       LastName nvarchar(100) '$.lastName',
       Age int '$.age',
       Name nvarchar(100) '$.firstName',
       StreetAddress nvarchar(100) '$.Address.streetAddress',
       City nvarchar(100) '$',
       State nvarchar(100) '$.Address.state',
       PostalCode nvarchar(100) '$.Address.postalCode',
       HomePhone nvarchar(100) '$.PhoneNumbers.home',
       Fax nvarchar(100) '$.PhoneNumbers.fax'


    FirstName LastName Age Name StreetAddress City     State PostalCode HomePhone    Fax
    John      Smith     25 John 21 2nd Street New York NY    10021      212 555-1234 646 555-4567
    Mike      Lee       30 Mike 10 Street     New York NY    10021      212 555-3265