Search code examples

Google algorithm for in-site search

I was wandering, does google provide a API or a widget for searching content into your website?

Something possibly that is possible to style or even better to plug via AJAX into a widget for realtime results.



  • Well first off the have Google Custom Search which is always nice and it will search the content of your site for you. From there you can get fancier and use the API to style it to a more custom manner of your choosing.

    Another alternative I've used a few times is Lijit Search. It will search and crawl all of your sites content for you. It isn't as customizable so to speak but has some nice features and looks nice by default and you can implement it quickly.

    So if you have the time take a look at Google's Custom Search API, if you want something a bit lower level that still looks nice and takes less time lejit is also nice.