Initially I was searching for solution for generating some class for start and end dates under the jQuery Datepicker, and the solution was given to me under this post
But it works only if start and end dates are under the same month. There is an issue with both of suggested codes if I need to slide to some next month in order to select end date. For example, if I select 24 April as start date and 6 May as end date, it brakes at the last day of the current month.
I got suggestion to open separated ticket for this problem, so here we go.
I have modified the code to adapt to your problem. As you could see, the code have to test lot of different situations, i think i have not forgotten...
i have put the code in snippet, because there lot of lines of code, but the snippet is not functional...
$(function () {
var dates_selected = [];
var firstdate_present = false;//is firstdate present in the current display?
var lastdate_present = false;//is lastdate present in the current display?
rangeSelect: true,
dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy",
changeMonth: false,
prevText: "<",
nextText: ">",
showOtherMonths: true,
dayNamesShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
onShow: function (dates) {setTimeout(() => {Open();}, 0);},
onChangeMonthYear: function (year, month) { Change(year, month);},
onDate: highlightDays,
onClose: Close,
showTrigger: "#calImg",
// function waits a return, false or true or other but
// dunno the utility
function highlightDays(date) {
if (dates_selected.length == 0) return false;
if (compareDates(date, dates_selected[0]) == 0) {
firstdate_present = true;//yes present in current display
if (compareDates(date, dates_selected[1]) == 0) {
lastdate_present = true;//yes present in current display
return true;
function Change(y, m) {
firstdate_present = false;
lastdate_present = false;
function Open() {
if (dates_selected.length == 0) return;
//current year month displayed YYYYMM
let current = parseDate($(".datepick-month-header").text());
//year month for first and last date of range
let months = new objDate(dates_selected[0].getFullYear() * 100 + dates_selected[0].getMonth(),
dates_selected[1].getFullYear() * 100 + dates_selected[1].getMonth());
let days = new objDate(dates_selected[0].getDate(), dates_selected[1].getDate());
//let years = new objDate(dates_selected[0].getFullYear(), dates_selected[1].getFullYear() );
let others = $(".datepick-other-month").map( (_, e) => parseInt($(e).text())).get();
if (firstdate_present && lastdate_present) {
if (current == months.first && current == months.last) {
$(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:first, .datepick-popup .datepick-selected:last").addClass("selected");
} else if (current == months.first) {
$(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:first").addClass("selected");
let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num < 15);
let indexlast = others.findIndex( num => num == days.last);
for(let i = indexfirst; i <= indexlast; i++){
if(i == indexlast ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
} else if (current == months.last) {
$(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:last").addClass("selected");
let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num == days.first);
for(let i = indexfirst; i < others.length && others[i] > 15; i++){
if(i == indexfirst ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
} else if (current != months.first && current != months.last) {
let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num == days.first);
let indexlast = others.findIndex( num => num == days.last);
for(let i = indexfirst; i <= indexlast; i++){
if( i == indexfirst || i == indexlast ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
} else if (firstdate_present) {
if (current == months.first) {
$(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:first").addClass("selected");
let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num < 15);
for(let i = indexfirst; i <= others.length && i >= 0; i++){
} else if (current != months.first) {
let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num == days.first);
for(let i = indexfirst; i < others.length; i++){
if( i == indexfirst ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
} else if (lastdate_present) {
if (current == months.last) {
$(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:last").addClass("selected");
for(let i = 0; i <= others.length && others[i] >= 15; i++){
} else if (current != months.last) {
let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num == days.last);
for(let i = indexfirst; i < others.length; i++){
if( i == indexfirst ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
} else if( current > months.first && current < months.last){
function Close(dates) {
dates_selected = dates;
firstdate_present = false;
lastdate_present = false;
function compareDates(a, b) {
if (a < b) return -1;
if (a > b) return +1;
return 0; // dates are equal
function objDate(first, last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
this.same = first == last;
// arg:string MMMM YYYY, return:number YYYYMM
function parseDate(s) {
// to adapt following the setting of name month displayed
var months = {january: 0, february: 1, march: 2, april: 3, may: 4, june: 5, july: 6, august: 7, september: 8, october: 9, november: 10, december: 11};
var p = s.split(" ");
return parseInt(p[1]) * 100 + parseInt(months[p[0].toLowerCase()]);