I have trouble changing the styles in the Sencha Extreact grid.
For example:
I want to change the background of the summary row in the grid.
This is the current condition (a summary row with white background color):
Here is the example code for the grid:
gridfilters: true,
gridsummaryrow: true
style={{margin: 20}}
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="10%" width="100%" filter='string' summaryRenderer={summarizeDate}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="7%" width="100%" filter='number' summaryRenderer={summarizeLoad}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="7%" width="100%" filter='number' summaryRenderer={averageSpeed}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="7%" width="100%" filter='number' summaryRenderer={averageSpeed}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="7%" width="100%" filter='number' summaryRenderer={averageSpeed}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="8%" width="100%" filter='string' summaryRenderer={summarizeTime}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="8%" width="100%" filter='string' summaryRenderer={summarizeTime}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="8%" width="100%" filter='string' summaryRenderer={summarizeTime}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="8%" width="100%" filter='string' summaryRenderer={summarizeTime}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="8%" width="100%" filter='string' summaryRenderer={summarizeTime}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="8%" width="100%" filter='string' summaryRenderer={summarizeDuration}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="7%" width="100%" filter='number' summaryRenderer={summarizeDistance}/>
<ExtColumn text="<censored>" dataIndex="<censored>" align="center" maxWidth="7%" width="100%" filter='number' summaryRenderer={summarizeDistance}/>
Here is the example code for the summary renderer prop:
const summarizeDate = (grid, context) => {
return context.records.length + ' Trips'
const summarizeDuration = (grid, context) => {
const sum = sumItemsInsideJSONArray(context.records, 'duration')
return convertSecondToHMS(sum)
const summarizeTime = (grid, context) => {
const sum = sumItemsInsideJSONArray(context.records, 'time')
return convertSecondToHMS(sum)
const summarizeDistance = (grid, context) => {
const sum = sumItemsInsideJSONArray(context.records, 'distance')
return changeValueTo1DecimalPoint(sum) + ' km'
const summarizeLoad = (grid, context) => {
const sum = sumItemsInsideJSONArray(context.records, 'load')
return changeValueTo1DecimalPoint(sum) + ' ton'
const averageSpeed = (grid, context) => {
const average = averageItemsinJSONArray(context.records, 'speed')
return changeValueTo1DecimalPoint(average) + ' km/h'
If I changed the summary renderer function into a function that return a view with a desired background like this:
const averageSpeed = (grid, context) => {
const average = averageItemsinJSONArray(context.records, 'speed')
return (
<div style={{backgroundColor: 'slategray'}}>
{`${changeValueTo1DecimalPoint(average)} km/h`}
The summary row for the speed column is undefined and the background is not changed.
I have tried other ways to change the font color such as:
but none of the above codes are working.
So how chan I change the background of the summary row in the grid properly?
I found the solution myself.
I used inspect element from the browser then edited the property of the CSS class name.
I copied the selector #ext-gridsummaryrow-1
from the inspected element then changed the property of text and background of the element.
#ext-gridsummaryrow-1 {
background-color: #f6f6f6;
color: black;