Is it possible to implement a WebService over a WebRTC Data Channel ?
The idea is:
I've found this repo: amazing!
Changed Orbit-db idea and removed cluster IPFS after investigating a bit
After searching Fetch PROS for HTTP/2 i've found Fetch upload streaming with ReadableStreams, i don't know how much of a difference will it be to run GRPC (bidi) over a WebRTC DataChannel or a HTTP/2 Stream
Very cool video explaining the feature:
Lots of different points here, will try to address them all.
The idea is 100% feasible. Check out Pion WebRTC's data-channels example. All it takes a single request/response to establish a connection.
Data channels are a much better fit if you are doing latency sensitive work.
With data channels you can measure backpressure. You can tell how much data has been delivered, and how much has has been queued. If the queue is getting full you know you are sending too much data. Other APIs in the browser don't give you this. There are some future APIs (WebTransport) but they aren't available yet.
Data channels allow unordered/unreliable delivery. With TCP everything you send will be delivered and in order, this issue is known as head-of-line blocking. That means if you lose a packet all subsequent packets must be delayed. An example would be if you sent 0 1 2 3
, if packet 1 hasn't arrived yet 2 and 3 can't be processed yet. Data channels can be configured to give you packets as soon as they arrive.
I can't give you specific numbers on the CPU/Memory costs of running DTLS+SCTP vs TLS+WebSocket server. It depends on hardware/network you have, what the workload is etc...
You can serve multiple DataChannel streams over a single WebRTC Connection (PeerConnection). You can also serve multiple PeerConnections over a single port.
WebRTC can be run over UDP or TCP
This is harder (but not intractable) moving DTLS and SCTP sessions between servers isn't easy with existing libraries. With pion/dtls it has the support to export/resume a session. I don't know support in other libraries however.
TLS/Websocket is much easier to load balance.
WebRTC has mandatory encryption. This is nice over HTTP 1.1 which might accidentally fall back to non-TLS if configured incorrectly.
If you want to route a message through the server (and not have the server see it) I don't think what protocol you use matters.
WebRTC can be run in many different topologies. You can do P2P or Client/Server, and lots of things in between. Depending on what you are building you could build a hybrid mesh. You could create a graph of connections, and deploy servers as needed. This flexibility lets you do some interesting things.
Hopefully addressed all your points! Happy to discuss further in the comments/will keep editing the question.