On my VMWARE running debian 10 I started a new project using:
composer create-project symfony/wesite-skeleton myproject
I served it using:
php -S -t public
And it worked
Trying to kickoff with the framework i created a controller and wanted to return some HTML
Now my project won't load and instead it sends
An exception occurred in driver: could not find driver
I think it has to do with the php server and tried to look into how to serve using apache:
I tried using the apache-pack and didn't find the .htaccess
Some more research and i understood that apache only serves through /var/www/html
Yet I want to serve my symfony 5 project from my VMWARE debian 5 to my Windows 10 through the VM ip
and a persnalised port.
Please help
The answer is kind of clear but i think the lack of documentation has to do with how hard it is to solve it.
msql -u <user> -p
without sudo./etc/php/8.0/cli/php.ini
at a line where there is a line ;extension=pdo_mysql
you decomment this line -delete the ;
and change it to extension=pdo_mysql.so
to avoid the PDO driver not found Exceptionhope this helps future users