I want to check if there is an interface in the output of the command:
ip a
If there is not, then I want to stop the execution. I've tried this code:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn bash
set spi_bash $spawn_id
send "ip a\r"
expect {
-re "docker0" {puts "docker0 is there\n"; exp_continue }
timeout {puts "no docker0\n"; exit 1}
but exp_continue
continues to timeout
I'd suggest you don't need expect for this:
set output [exec ip a]
if {[string first docker0 $output] != -1} {
puts "no docker0"
But if this is part of a larger expect program, you can write
spawn bash
set spi_bash $spawn_id
# a regex matching your prompt: a dollar sign, a space, and end of input
# adjust as required
set prompt {\$ $}
send "ip a\r"
set has_docker false
expect {
-re "docker0" {set has_docker true; exp_continue}
-re $prompt
send "exit\r"
expect eof
if {$has_docker}
puts "docker0 is there"
} else {
puts "no docker0"
exit [expr {!$has_docker}]