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I want to make this SQL to QueryDsl, what should I do?

i made SQL statistics by date.

this means total count of the visitors by date.

select sum(r.count) from (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(reg_date,'%Y-%m-%d') m, COUNT(distinct client_ip) as count FROM request_log GROUP BY m) as r;

following is the result of this SQL [enter image description here][1]
So, i want to exchange this for QueryDSL. I read the following documents and tried these.

public class QueryDslTest {
    EntityManager em;
    public void testQuerydsl() throws Exception {
        JPAQueryFactory queryFactory = new JPAQueryFactory(em);
        QRequestLog requestLog = new QRequestLog("requestLog");
        StringTemplate dateFormat = Expressions.stringTemplate(
                "DATE_FORMAT({0}, {1})"
                , requestLog.regDate
                , ConstantImpl.create("%Y-%m-%d"));
        JPQLQuery<Long> countDistinct =;
                QueryResults<Tuple> count = queryFactory
                        .select(requestLog.regDate, requestLog.clientIp.countDistinct().as("count"))
                        .groupBy(dateFormat, requestLog.regDate)
//                Long fetch = queryFactory
//                        .select(Projections.fields(Long.class,
//                                select(requestLog.regDate, requestLog.clientIp.countDistinct().as("c"))
//                                        .from(requestLog)
//                                        .groupBy(dateFormat, requestLog.regDate), "r")
//                                                  ))
//                        .from(requestLog)
//                        .fetchOne();
//        JPAQuery<Tuple> tupleJPAQuery = queryFactory
//                .select(dateFormat, countDistinct)
//                .from(requestLog)
//                .groupBy(dateFormat);
//        queryFactory
//                .select(tupleJPAQuery)
        System.out.println("count = " + count);
//                queryFactory
//                        .select(requestLog)
//                        .from(
//                                select("d"), requestLog.clientIp.countDistinct().as("c"))
//                                .from(requestLog)
//                                .groupBy("d"))
//                             )

I don't know how to use an subquery alias. 

Can you give me a hint?



  • I used the date function of mysql. This is not date_format function !

    but I still don't know how to explain the subquery.

    so, I used select query and sum of java stream.

    I still feel like I need to study more.

    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public Long allVisitors() {
            JPAQueryFactory queryFactory = new JPAQueryFactory(getEntityManager());
            return queryFactory
                    .reduce(0L, Long::sum);
    private StringTemplate functionDate(DateTimePath regDate) {
            return stringTemplate("date({0})", regDate);