I have this issue on my website, but only when it's accessed by mobile and the first access on it. After the page is loaded, I toggle the dark mode and my images don't show up. However, when I refresh the page, the images shows normally.
That's the link for my website: https://hannahneves.github.io
The issue on my end (Android/Chrome): https://youtu.be/3zESMLQuOWc
Aparantely, the issue is related with Chrome Lite Mode. Because, when I deactivate Lite Mode the website works perfectly.
I made the dark mode toggle like this:
const html = document.querySelector('html');
const checkbox = document.querySelector('.switch');
let check;
(() => {
check = localStorage.getItem('check');
if(check) {
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function(){
check = html.classList.toggle('dark-mode');
if(check == true) {
localStorage.setItem('check', check);
} else {
And the images is uploaded using variables on CSS, like this:
:root {
--portfolio: url('/assets/LightMode/portfolio.svg');
.dark-mode:root {
--portfolio: url('/assets/DarkMode/portfolio.svg');
background: var(--portfolio);
background-size: 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 267.5px;
height: 182px;
margin: 0 auto;
I didn't find a specific solution for this issue, but I managed to solve my problem doing the pre-load image: Preloading CSS Images
Thank you all for being helpful and understanding!