I'm trying to set up a single loadbalancer in AWS for two clusters in a the same VPC, is that possible?
Because it only provides one DNS name which sometimes routes to cluster A and sometimes cluster B.
yes you can defintely use a single LB in front of multiple clusters which are in different AZ .
one DNS name which sometimes routes to cluster A and sometimes cluster B.
Its true that ALB exposes a single hostname which routes to cluster A and sometimes cluster B because this is what load balancing means, balancing load/raffic to different clusters, but this is happening because right now may be both the clusters are registered to a single target group.
However, you can register cluster 1 in target group 1 and another cluster 2 in target group 2. ALB allows you to route request to different target group based on ;-
so for example in the case of URL in path condition www.example.com/a will got to target group one means cluster 1 and for www.example.com/b request will got to target group 2 means cluster 2